Physical Health
Eating healthy, moving your body, and getting enough quality sleep.
If you’ve ever tried to get into running but quickly had thoughts like “I can’t run” or “I’ll never be good at running” or even “I hate...
The holy grail in hacking your habits is the habit loop. If you haven’t heard of the habit loop yet, it consists of three components: cue, routine, and reward. First, the cue...
43% of your day is strictly habitual behavior. This means nearly half of your life will be habits! It is hard to break a bad habit however, the process is actually very simple. There...
There are endless ways to workout for free!
Workouts you can do alone outside
Here are a few outside workouts with the average calories burned per hour (for a person that weighs...
As John Harvey Kellogg put it, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Undoubtedly, it can be hard to make a healthy breakfast when you’re half-awake and already running...
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Plan for your week
First, Pull out your planner and look at your week ahead! This can be a tangible planner or a digital one...